One of the first challenges you will encounter after rising to your first management position is delegating. Anyone can sympathize—you loved being recognized for certain tasks you excelled at, and now you’re supposed to let someone else get the credit for them instead? Doesn’t seem fair.
But the truth is, effective delegators can improve their own standing in addition to boosting their team’s production and efficiency. The numbers don’t lie. Newly promoted managers who embrace this essential leadership skill from the outset are setting themselves up for greater successes down the line.
To start with, it’s not just dumping your work on someone else. The most powerful goals behind assigning responsibilities to your team are 1) to distribute the workload so you can focus on higher-level job functions and 2) to invest your direct reports with much-valued autonomy while taking advantage of their diverse skills.
For many new managers, delegation represents giving up control. No one can execute the mission as proudly, as swiftly, or as efficiently as them. No one else can reach the standard of perfection they established. But the hard truth is that not only can other folks do your job, they’re likely to come up with ways to do it even better than you did. Let go of your insecurities, your ego, and your urge to micromanage, and you’ll reap a whole new set of rewards.
Not only does delegation ease your transition into a management role, it increases positive results by playing to your team members’ individual strengths. The more trust you place in them, the more they’ll feel engaged, empowered, and eager to further their professional growth—which reflects positively on you.
The benefits of delegation, for both yourself and your new team, can hardly be listed comprehensively. Your communication will improve, you will become a more trusting and trustworthy collaborator, and you’ll learn to strategize like the leaders you’ve always admired. You’ll have the time to power through more influential and high-profile projects—and by developing and managing your team effectively, you’ll show your own superiors that you’re ready for even more responsibility.
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